Real-Life Pinocchio - Amadine Amhi
Real-Life Pinocchio: This Boy’s Brain Grew In His Nose

Written by Yvette Parsons | Medically Reviewed by Dr. Liam Hayes, MD 29th December 2022

Born with a non-stop growing balloon-like nose containing his brain, this boy is known as the real-life Pinocchio. In order to save his life, he underwent a lifesaving yet high-risk surgery to remove the growth on his nose. However, although the procedure ultimately saved his life, as a result, he became like a puppet and is now unable to speak, walk, or eat on his own.

But by the time he turned five, he had made a full recovery and began speaking six languages fluently as if nothing had happened! It was said that he owed it all to a doctor who followed the techniques of the ancient Inca neurosurgeons, who performed brain surgeries with a remarkable 91% survival rate, even without modern medicine. 

The Human Brain, Explained

Figure: Healthy Brain (L) and chronically stressed brain (R).

Powerful yet delicate, the brain is the most important organ in the human body. The brain functions like a computer and it is the root of human intelligence.

As a person ages, changes will take place in every aspect of their body, including their brain. The brain may significantly shrink over time. Consequently, memory, learning, and other cognitive processes may suffer as a result.

Figure: The effects of chronic stress on the brain.

Besides age, physical health, sleeping habits, social environment and genetics are factors that can further influence brain health and its gray matter volume. According to recent neuroscience research, the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences discovered that chronic stress causes autophagic death of adult hippocampal neural stem cells (NSCs), which means that it can kill brain cells and even reduce the size of the brain. For instance, stress can raise the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Figure: Chronic stress causes the brain's logical and planning-related regions appear smaller.

Figure: A neuron damaged by stress has fewer connections.

We can go between 28 and 30 days without food, and between 4 and 7 days without water, but if we try to live without oxygen, we will only last for only about 6 – 8 minutes. That's how crucial it is!

At least 20% of the body's oxygen intake is required by the brain. The lack of oxygen may lead to issues such as sleep apnea, poor concentration, memory loss, mood swings, restlessness, depressive thoughts, and even low drive.

Thus, consistent blood flow is vital to super charge the oxygenation of our brain. An oxygen boost is important for the brain because it allows cells to manufacture more energy. The added energy allows the brain to repair, regenerate, and function better.

However, just because we can breathe, it doesn’t mean our brain is getting enough oxygen.

Figure: Only certain essential oils can pass through the impenetrable astrocytes type 1 barrier that surrounds all brain capillaries.

The brain is the only organ known to have its own security system, a blood vessel network that allows the entry of nutrients while preventing the entry of other substances, according to the 2014 Society for Neuroscience publication.

Unfortunately, this barrier is so effective at protecting against the passage of foreign substances that it often prevents lifesaving drugs from being able to repair the injured or diseased brain.

100% of today’s treatments are unable to aid the brain at all if their molecular compound is too large. An estimated 98% of all drug treatments for brain disorders are unable to even infiltrate

The Solution: Frankincense (Boswellia Serrata)

For thousands of years, Frankincense (Boswellia serrata) has been useful in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, cerebral edema, chronic pain syndrome, and brain tumors, as well as for enhancing memory and learning function.

Aside from its powerful neuroprotective benefits in reducing oxidative stress-mediated brain damage due to a high concentration of antioxidants and Boswellia acids (BAs), it is also extremely high in sesquiterpenes (C15H24), a mind-healing compound that can cross the blood-brain barrier to deliver oxygen molecules directly to damaged brain cells.

This leads to an increase in the secretion of antibodies, endorphins, and neurotransmitters.

Boswellic acids (BAs)

Boswellic acid (BA’s) is the main active component of frankincense and has the molecular formula C32H52O4. BA’s is divided into two groups, the β-BAs (ursane-type) and the α-BAs (oleanane-type). According to scientists, Boswellia extracts can significantly slow the progression of neurodegeneration, a natural process that manifests as we age. In addition, Boswellia extracts have proven to enhance cognitive activity.

Sesquiterpenes  (C15H24)

Sesquiterpene is a category of terpenoids possessing a large spectrum of biological activities. They play a principal role in inhibiting AChE, resulting in improved cholinergic communication. In June 1994, the Medical Universities of Berlin, Germany, and Vienna, Austria, recorded the sesquiterpene’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Additional research showed that Frankincense increases brain oxygen levels by up to 28% (Williams, 1999). Furthermore, Sesquiterpenes in high concentrations boost oxygen flow to the brain’s limbic system.

In light of the fact that the brain requires more oxygen to fuel the healing process after an injury, frankincense may therefore aid in speeding up the recovery process. At the very least, it might prevent brain cells from starving due to a lack of oxygen.

Figure: After four weeks of treatment with frankincense, there was a noticeable increase in brain volume and improvement in neurological function.

Figure: Treatment with frankincense leads to increased grey and white matter, which in turn increases brain volume.

Such an increase in brain oxygen may cause the hypothalamus and limbic systems of the brain to function at a higher level, which can have substantial implications on not only emotions but also learning, attitude, and many physical processes like energy levels.

***Treatment with frankincence (boswellia serrata) was associated with improved memory scores in a clinical study of older adults. After participating in the clinical trial, participants showed more than 65% improvements in immediate memory and working memory.***

14-Day Journey of Exploring The Full Potential of The Mind

In the summer of 2022, Heather L. Thompson, a 48-year-old high school teacher, was rear-ended as she was leaving work. As a result, she suffered a concussion that resulted in short-term memory loss, confusion, bad nausea, and migraines, to name a few. Also, she was highly sensitive to light and noise and was struggling with recovery even after various medications and treatments.

After trying out a treatment with pure frankincense from Oman for about 2 weeks, she finally discovered help, healing, and hope.

Day 5

Because of the accident, Heather reported that she could hardly stand up without being so off-balance and lightheaded. Her migraine was constant throughout the day and it felt like knives were stabbing her in the head. Almost every time she had ringing in her ears, she kept forgetting the names of her students and she had zero concentration when she was teaching.

“I realized that my brain could no longer handle the high demands of my job as a teacher. I often find myself having to leave the classroom due to mental fatigue and severe migraines. So, I had no choice but to quit my job. The stress of being unemployed caused me severe depression, and I was having panic attacks almost daily. But after my grandmother let me inhale frankincense incense that she bought on her trip, I noticed how energetic and focused I felt, whereas previously, I would feel lethargic as soon as I woke up!”
- Heather L. Thompson, 48, MI

Day 10

After discovering and practicing the holistic healing technique taught by her grandmother, Heather’s ability to focus has never been better. She started to tutor her nieces and nephews at home, and she could teach them without even referring to her notes! Amazingly, Heather went from having migraines almost daily to only once or twice a week. Her unexpected recovery has tremendously pushed her to pursue her passion, which is teaching, and she’s planning to resume her Master of Education certification online. Once, one of her students saw her at the mall and she was able to recall her student’s full name, which came as a surprise to her family!

Day 14

No one, including Heather herself, could believe that she was finally back to teaching! She used to stutter and forget her lines during school events, but thanks to her grandmother, she no longer needed to check the script before speaking. Without feeling exhausted, Heather could conduct classes the entire day, which is something that she struggled with prior to the treatment. Her students were also shocked when she could remember all of their full names, and they were over the moon to finally have their favorite teacher back. After a few months, she successfully obtained her Master of Education, and she is currently in the process of writing and publishing a textbook for Physics and Mathematics. Heather is now in better health, both physically and mentally, than she has ever been.

According to the Brain Injury Association, around 2.6 million Americans suffer from a brain injury each year. As the brain is humankind’s most important organ, let’s stop wasting time and say yes to taking care of it.

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